I owe you all an explanation! It's a great one though that I'm really excited to share with you!
A couple weeks ago I helped start a local organization with the woman that I pet sit for. It is called
All Hearts 4 Paws and is a great organization! Here is a quote direct from out FB page on what we are about, "We are a group of dedicated citizens that strive for one common goal. The animals of Northeast Texas are in desperate need of a shelter and competent management of such facility that has their best interest at heart. The current state of pet overpopulation and lack of community support for their welfare is disheartening. We will change this in a positive manner and are doing it immediat
ely!". There is a lot to it but I won't share everything here. In my community, we DO have a humane shelter that is run by a private group partially funded by the city. They have asked to renew their contract again this year and we are wanting them to decline it. It is a known thing in our surroundings town that if an animal makes it to our shelter, they have a big chance of not making it out. That is terrible! The kill rate at the shelter is extremely too high, they don't have near enough room for any of the animals, the facility is very run down, and so much more that I should not go on about. So what my organization is trying to do is stop the contract from being signed, get a new shelter run by the CITY so it has to be by regulation, educate the public about the reality of the situation, the overpopulation, & the importance of spaying/neutering and get a immediate temporary shelter. We have only been going literally 2 weeks but have gotten the ball rolling pretty well! We have had meetings with city councilmen, got business's to back us up, organized events, and a lot more! We have a big meeting with different rescue groups and the general public next week so I have been preparing for that this week. We are hoping to help rescue groups in whatever way we can adopting out the animals they have. I'm very proud of the way it is going so far!
I have such a heart for animals & I'm so happy I'm finding ways to help them! I never thought that at 22, I'd be helping run a organization like this with NO ONE near my age. But you know what? I think it's awesome! I'm hoping people see it as a good thing, like "It's good the younger generation is getting involved in this!". The reaction could go the complete opposite direction though. I'm not going to worry about it though because I'm not doing it for any PERSON. I'm doing this to try and help make a difference for these poor animals. It is not right and someone has to speak for them!
If you have any problems like this in your town & are an animal lover I suggest that you do something about it! If you want to help my town (which would be AMAZING) go check out the webpage link I put above! If anything, I would ask for prayers. Prayers for my city, my mayor, the animals and All Hearts 4 Paws!
On another note.. Gypsy got adopted!!
Excuse the quality of my pictures, they are coming from Ryan's phone. This was my last night with her above! I was so happy to find her a home but after having her a month I grew attached! I'm so happy with her home though because it is an AMAZING man that I've known pretty much my whole life!
I'm glad I could bring a dog her happy ending and I hope I can help make MANY more!